Posts Tagged: life through the lens

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Should You Use Online Film Festival Submission Platforms?

Today, as promised before I will talk about online film festival submission platforms. I will try to give you an insight on how they work and let you know whether  I prefer them or not,and  why I chose to make

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Should You Use Online Film Festival Submission Platforms?

Today, as promised before I will talk about online film festival submission platforms. I will try to give you an insight on how they work and let you know whether  I prefer them or not,and  why I chose to make

Better Late than Never

A bit of news I forgot to share because I was so overly happy! At the end of last week, on NOV. 9th one of the experiment films I’ve picked, Life Through the Lens directed by AUBG student, Igor Myakotin,

Better Late than Never

A bit of news I forgot to share because I was so overly happy! At the end of last week, on NOV. 9th one of the experiment films I’ve picked, Life Through the Lens directed by AUBG student, Igor Myakotin,

The Last Film in the Experiment: Life Through The Lens

Today, as promised in my previous post, I will talk about Life Through the Lens. Life Through the Lens is the shortest from the three (7’06”) and was made in the Spring of 2013 by AUBG student, Igor Myakotin. All

The Last Film in the Experiment: Life Through The Lens

Today, as promised in my previous post, I will talk about Life Through the Lens. Life Through the Lens is the shortest from the three (7’06”) and was made in the Spring of 2013 by AUBG student, Igor Myakotin. All